Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Little Raver was born!!! :D:D****

Hii!!! Almost if I knew.... Kim Raver gave birth to her second child , son Leo Kipling Boyer in New York Tuesday (09Oct07).....:D.... The day I posted my message about best wishes and upcoming baby ,this same baby came to this world! Kim I congratulate you and wish you all the best in this deserve it! We expect pictures of the little one soon.... kiss

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Kim is having a baby any day now!!!

Kim Raver will be having her baby any day pray for her and keep your fingers crossed everything goes as it is supposed to. We love you Kim and show you all of our support! You can write your words of support here,even if she never sees them,I know somewhere deep inside she knows us fans are cheering for her!!! I also made her a little present I want you to all see.... this picture .... Lots of kisses